Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Weather to stay or leave?

What you can see in the badly shot picture—where the unintended object (building in the background) is better exposed than the intended one (trees in the foreground)—tells a bit about the weather in our city. A tale of confusion perhaps. It's October already after having the hottest September in over seven decades. Asking for a proper winter would be too much but still, cooler nights won't harm either. Of course, posting a paragraph on this climatic disorder won't make a difference but still, a picture is worth a hundred words if a thousand gets boring. The nudist almond tree that you can note seems to be feeling cold while none of its standing peers is willing to shed their greenies yet. I don't know what the point is but that's how it works, right? Leaves are shed while humans pile on thick clothes. As of now, even the former has become more of a rare phenomenon while the latter might not happen at all in Bombay this year around.

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