Monday, November 3, 2014

A kind of guy

  • He's the kind of guy who'll spit at you through his broken teeth after being punched in the mouth. 
  • He's the kind of guy who won't hesitate to light his cigarette with a deep at puja
  • He's the kind of guy who sticks to honesty tighter than Gandhiji to our currency.
  • He's the kind of guy who'd say "Fuck you" when you sneeze.
  • He's the kind of guy who holds your hand and doesn't leave despite sweaty palms.
  • He's the kind of guy who does things his own way and often gets lost.
  • He's the kind of guy who doesn't give a damn about giving a damn.
  • He's the kind of guy who neither sleeps down nor wakes up.
  • He's the kind of guy who pretends to be someone he is. 
  • He's the kind of guy who laughs aloud at the universe's plans.
  • He's the kind of guy who abandoned poetry before vice versa could happen.
  • He's the kind of guy who gets inked just because he has skin. 
  • He's the kind of guy who has little money but rich enough dreams.
  • He's the kind of guy who doesn't chase local trains anymore.
  • He's the kind of guy who avoids looking into your eyes lest he breaks down.
  • He's the kind of guy who loves everything that won't ever return the favour.
  • He's the kind of guy who seeks sincerity in cinema but is OK with its dearth otherwise.
  • He's the kind of guy who is an idiot like you or me—and knows it too.

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